The 10 Most Creative Minimalist Tattoos

In general, tattooing can be defined as “an art form and form of body modification where a pigment is inserted into a skin”[1] so the skin colour changes permanently. In recorded history, Egypt is the where the first tattoos can be found and it is claimed that the history of tattoos dates back to 12,000 BC.[2] The art was used for different purposes earlier times and it varied from culture to culture.

The reasons for getting inked are numerous, they might include religious purposes, for protection or as an indication of membership, as an artistic expression and so on. On the other hand, all tattoos have their own significance and personal meanings. If you are not sure about which tattoo you should get, don’t worry: the mentioned tattoos that combine creativity and minimalism in this article can give you some ideas.



The fınger rıng tattoo



At first glance it may seem very plain or cliché but “this tattoo is a symbol of eternal connection” with someone who you really love.[3] The tattoo is inked on the ring finger and it is connected to its “twin tattoo” on your partner’s finger. It is also ideal for those who have difficulty wearing an “actual” ring.



Thumb ımprınt tattoo



The texts on your finger can be seen as your personal “reminders”. Instead of love and fear, you can make different combinations such as luck and life, hate and live etc. Anything meaningful to you can be written. But keep in mind that you will come across with these tattoos constantly so choose them wisely.



The ınverted commas



Punctuation marks are at least as important as the alphabet because they bring meaning to our language. Without them, we would not be able to organize our complex ideas. A pair of quotation marks with no words in between them might symbolize all words you forget to write or say. For some, it implies that life is unscripted and you can write your own story.



One lıne fıgures



Single line tattoos can be both beautiful and minimalistic because of their simplicity. The word minimalist is not new to us but the Berlin-based tattoo artist Mo Ganji has added a different dimension to minimal tattoos by using a single continues line. This kind of tattoos look quite simple but also sophisticated. Click here to see his other works.






The universe is a source of inspiration and astonishing curiosity for many people. If you are interested in stars, planets, moon and its movements and their effects on people, these tattoos are ideal for you. For instance, you can always carry the star positions on your birthday in your body and you can feel thankful for being alive.




Behınd the ear



With the help of an artistically designed behind the ear tattoo, you can fulfill the desire to be unique. These tattoos are something great especially for “the first time-tattoo” because they are less visible. By this means, you can easily get used to it. There is a limited area behind your ear so when you come up with a tattoo idea, you should consider it. But there are various styles that suit the area like flowers and symbols, you can and should feel free to use your imagination.






As we mentioned before, symbols are widely used and popular. Each symbol has its own meaning and it is a great advantage when it comes to tattoos. Glyph, for example, is a word which comes from the Greek language and it refers to characters. These tattoos serve as motivational symbols and they can get easily combined with different designs. Moreover, they look mysterious to the other person who sees them.



Cırcular Vıgnettes 



The creator of these tattoos, which is a beautiful example of imagination and artistry, is the New York-based tattoo artist Havva Karabudak (aka evakrbdk).  The artist proves that compelling body art comes in all sizes and shapes. Through these circular vignettes, you can tell the moment of your story with delicate lines. To be able to see her works, click here.



The Celestıal Cırcle



This tattoo can be described as an image of the crescent moon along with a dotted circle completing the figure of the whole moon. This design suits for those people who love to discover mystical secrets and feel the energy of the moon. The wrist is one of the most visible places in a body but with these tiny designs can help it to become more outstanding.



Retro Mınımal



Alican Görgü (aka pigmentninja), the Istanbul-based tattoo artist who transforms past memories of people into a piece of art, calls his style “Retro Minimal”. If you have any childhood memory you want to immortalize, this idea is the perfect match for you.



Pelin Maden

Project Management School Blog Editor





[1] History of Tattoos – Meaning and Origin


[2] A Brief History of Tattoos


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