7 Actıvıtıes for Stress Relıef

According to Psychology Today, approximately 80-90% of a visit to doctors are issues related to stress yet “only less than 3% of doctors” give patients advice on how to reduce stress. This statement shows that we need to somehow learn how to cope with stress on our own. It is impossible to get rid of stress for good and all but, learning how to deal with it in a healthy way can actually diminish some of the worst symptoms. With the help of yoga, tai chi, and many other mind-body exercises listed in this article, you can boost your overall well-being and learn how to lower your stress level.




We all might think and ask that “why yoga for stress relief?” but the truth is yoga is a way more than just stretching. Yoga is the exact opposite of stress because it promotes easing. If you are a beginner, it is better to choose to do gentle yoga poses. After a few sessions of yoga, we believe that you feel the difference in your body and in your mind. Remember also: you do not need to wait to feel stressed out to start a yoga practice!



Taı Chı

Tai chi can be defined as a form of exercise based on martial arts and involves slow movements and controlled breaths. The other definition used commonly of tai chi is “a meditation in motion”. Tai chi has also a very positive influence on reducing stress and anxiety. Moreover, Preliminary research recommends that tai chi which is practiced regularly can reduce the symptoms of stress and even depression.






Pilates is another activity that restores your well-being and it is known for reducing “back and neck pain”. It is important to minimize these kinds of pain because they are side effects of stress. You can practice Pilates by joining a course or just by watching video series on your own at home.





Breathıng Exercıse

Breathing exercises are the most recommend and the most popular for stress relief because of different reasons. First of all, they are free and you can do them anywhere even when you are in the middle of a stressful situation. On the other hand, these exercises are more effective when you want to calm down quickly.






Have you ever used your imagination to escape from a difficult situation? If so, maybe unknowingly you were using “visualization” technique or “guided imagery”. Guided imagery is also crucial for stress management. When you feel nervous and stressed, take a break, close your eyes and visualize a happy memory of yours.




Stress relief through dance might be not very surprising because it is obvious that when your body feels good, your mind does, too. Dancing is especially good for your physical health, it gives you a chance to express your inner feelings while you are losing weight. If you choose one of the paired dances like tango, this human interaction helps you to forget the main reason for your stress and makes it easier to overcome.



Long-dıstance runnıng

Besides physiological benefits of running, in a psychological sense running gives you some time to be all alone with your thoughts, decisions. On this topic, studies show that “regular runners generally say they live a happier, more stress-free life than their housebound counterparts”. You should consider running not as a sport but as a key to unlock mental clarity and relaxation.



Pelin Maden

Project Management School Editor



Bryant, C. (n.d.). Does running reduce stress?. https://adventure.howstuffworks.com/outdoor-activities/running/health/running-reduce-stress.htm

Bubnis, D. (2018). 11 Ways Tai Chi Can Benefit Your Health. https://www.healthline.com/health/tai-chi-benefits

Stanila, S. (2016). 3 Ways Dancing Relieve Stress. http://www.arthurmurraydancenow.com/blog/3-ways-dancing-relieves-stress

Wei, M. (2015). Yoga for Stress Relief. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/urban-survival/201512/yoga-stress-relief



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